
Elated with a new rocking horse!
May 16
w00t! is a contemporary word I came across a few years ago.  
You spell it: small "w", zero, zero, small "t".  
It is a synonym for pure elation!  Being thrilled beyond belief.
That is how I felt yesterday while studying in The Secret Place. 
I  was shouting "w00t" and "wh00pee"! It's all about Jesus!

Here is my biggest w00t quote from Chapter 40 of Secrets in the Secret Place: 

"Jesus was saying we ought not come to the Scriptures 
to gain knowledge about a Book; rather, we ought to come 
to the Scriptures to gain knowledge about a Person."

Oh, how I pray we can each get to know Him better today!

May what our Master Jesus Christ gives freely 
be deeply and personally yours, my friends. Oh, yes!
Galatians 6:18

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