No Limit to God's Power

October 11
The wind was knocked out of me as two phone calls came piggy back on one another.  The first was a dear friend letting me know she was facing very unexpected surgery.  The devil knows I'm not very fond of him messing with the health of those I love. The second was related to an unexpected financial expense.  I felt as if I was buckling like a fighter in a ring, who had just received a severe blow to the abdomen.  I choked back tears as I called another friend to establish a pick up time to go run an errand together, then I had to decide where to turn. I wandered through the house considering doing some laundry or putting away items still in my suitcase from a week ago.
NO, I knew better and picked up a book our nephew had given us by Mark Batterson called The Circle Maker.
Chapter 7 is where I had stopped a few days ago and the question staring me in the face was:
"Is there any limit to my power?"  "God is omnipotent, which means by definition, there is nothing God cannot do.  Yet many of us pray as if our problems are bigger than God.  So let me remind you of this high octane truth that should fuel your faith:  God is infinitely bigger than your biggest problem or biggest dream.  And while we're on the topic, His grace is infinitely bigger than your biggest sin....Are your problems bigger than God, or is God bigger than your problems?  Our biggest problem is our small view of God."

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