October 24
There have been some words lately, that have spoken deeply to me. Acceptance is the one for today!
We have seasons in our lives. Lately, the realization that
the pain people, who are not accepted, experience has settled deep in my heart.
In my current Bible Study, we were asked to write the things you like best about yourself. The next question was, "Why do the traits you just listed not make you acceptable to God." (See Isaiah 64:6)
Who needs your acceptance? Who needs to be noticed and included in some of the simplest things in life? Take notice today and show acceptance to someone like Jesus would. It will make their day.
There have been some words lately, that have spoken deeply to me. Acceptance is the one for today!
We have seasons in our lives. Lately, the realization that
the pain people, who are not accepted, experience has settled deep in my heart.
In my current Bible Study, we were asked to write the things you like best about yourself. The next question was, "Why do the traits you just listed not make you acceptable to God." (See Isaiah 64:6)
For all of us have become like one who is unclean,
And all of our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment;
And all of us wither like a leaf,
And our iniquities, like the wind, take us away.
"We are not made acceptable to God by who we are, but by Whose we are. Jesus bridges the gap between our imperfections and His holiness." (Ephesians 2:8-9) Jesus chooses us to be in His club!Who needs your acceptance? Who needs to be noticed and included in some of the simplest things in life? Take notice today and show acceptance to someone like Jesus would. It will make their day.