
 Pansies in the snow...
Not pansies in the snow at 8:00AM as it began to fall.
March 27
Coming to Him, as to a living Stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 
you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, 
offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.  
1 Peter 2:4-5
"The revealed Word of God is the solid rock on which we are to build our lives and ministries. Its commands and laws are not optional: they are mandatory. Just because a command or law in the Word might be offensive, we do not have the option of offense and disobedience. The only option we have is to obey."

In just over 3 weeks we will be rejoicing on Easter morn, with shouts of "His is risen! Alleluia!  While that is such an eternal victory over death, the sacrifice takes on much deeper meaning and there are life lessons to be tasted which transform us (more than often through trials) as we walk back through the stories of the life of Jesus.

John Bevere's book The Bait of Satan keeps signaling a light to go off in my brain and make a connection.
"Trials and testing locate a person. In other words, they determine your spiritual position.  Be sure that you build your life on God's revealed Word, not on what others do or say.  Keep seeking the Lord and listening to His voice as He speaks to your heart.  Don't do or say things just to please everyone else.  Seek Him, and stand on what  is illuminating in your heart!

This chapter in the book has us flash back to John 5:16 where "we find that during the last days of Jesus' walk on earth, life became more difficult for His ministry team. The religious leaders and the Jews were persecuting Jesus, seeking to kill Him.  When things started looking up and the people wanted to take Him by force and make Him king, He refused and walked away. (John 6:15)

The disciples were starting to take offense. They'd left jobs and their families to follow this man who they assumed would become king.  In John 6:66 we learn that MANY left and walked with Jesus no more.  What is the old saying, "When the going gets tough"…in this case many high tailed it home!

Has God's Word offended you? I'm sure there are parts where I've diverted my eyes or days where I haven't wanted to allow God's truth to seep down deep! I've been a pansy!

Lord, You are a God of truth, a God we can trust, a solid rock on which we can stand, knowing You will not waiver. Continue to build our spiritual house, may we be seen as a holy priesthood designed by You and may the sacrifices of our lives be acceptable unto You. In Jesus' Name

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