Hiding From Reality

Spring is coming.
March 20

They are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth.  2 Timothy 3:7

For as many are lead by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.  Romans 8:14

"Offense blocks spiritual growth, 
but suffering and obedience teach us to a deeper relationship with the Lord and with others."

Whew, this study is one that has me meditating, absorbing and asking God to guide me in truth as he takes me deeper and deeper into an understanding of my faith.  Bevere's writes in a very thought provoking manner.  He points out that "physical growth is a function of time" while "intellectual growth is a function of of learning." Spiritual growth on the other hand is "a function of obedience."

Memorizing scripture and placing it in our hearts has always been a task in which I saw great benefit, but it didn't come easily to me.  I've admired people who can just spout off verse after verse.  Bevere's takes the 1 Timothy verse above and explains in relationship to scripture memory, that it is not enough to give "mental assent" to this process…a mature Christian takes the process to obedience of truth.

Listen: "Now we understand one reason why we have people in the church who have been Christians for twenty years, who can quote verses and chapters of the Bible, have heard a thousand sermons, and read many books, but still wear spiritual diapers.  Every time they meet with difficult situations, rather than responding in the Spirit of God, they seek to protect themselves in their own way.  They are always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of truth….
We can see clearly that it is the mature sons who are led by the Spirit of God. Immature Christians are less likely to follow the leading of the Spirit of God. Most often they react or respond emotionally or intellectually to circumstances they face.  They have not yet learned to act only on the Spirit of God's leading."

Let's Pray:  "Savior, like a Shepherd lead us", please don't let us go astray.  Give us minds to comprehend Your truths and hearts that are quick to obey. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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