
Life preservers.
March 21
If you forgive anyone's sins, their sins are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven.
John 20:23

"Love forgets wrongs so there is hope for the future."

I think I may have to read this book, on not taking an offense, for the rest of my life. I'm hoping the ole adage, " twenty-one days makes a habit" will kick in here.  We say the dumbest things sometimes with the best intentions.  One woman, when hearing about our daughter's dilemma emailed, "Well, you just need to accept with a large family these things are going to happen to you."  There wasn't a lot of healing for a raw open wound in that comment.  Then another precious woman, will all the well meaning in the world, began telling me how this is usually for the best…I knew where she was going and there was absolute truth in her thought process, but right now in this mother's heart my feeling is what our daughter is going through is not the best. It's incredibly painful emotionally and physically.
Absolutely no offense taken towards either of these women, because I know they mean well.  (And doing this study is keeping my heart attitude quite accountable!)

Today's chapter from The Bait of Satan is perfect for where I'm standing.  In this stance as a mother, I can't change what has happened or how we are all hurting, but I can trust that this battle for our hearts and a hope for another pregnancy for our child is the Lord's and I have seen his victorious love for her revealed over and over again.

For the battle is the Lord's, and he will give al of you into our hands.  1 Samuel 17:47

The past five pages I read this morning (middle of the night) are filled with wisdom related to why we flee churches, relationships, etc.  Self-preservation!  We'd rather look at the wrongs of others, run instead of restore, and avoid humbly face an issue that could point to our own sin.

Bevere writes: "Often God's plan causes us to face hurts and  attitudes we don't want to face.  Yet we run from the very thing that will be strength to our lives. Refusing to deal with an offense will not free us from the problem. It will only give us temporary relief. The root of the problem remains untouched…Jesus desires to heal our wounds. But we often do not let Him heal them because it is not the easiest road to take.  It is the path of humility and self-denial that leads to healing and spiritual maturity.  It is the decision to make another's well-being more important than your own, even when that person has brought you great sorrow.  Pride cannot travel this path, but only those who desire peace at the risk of rejection. It is a trail that leads to humiliation and abasement. It is the road that leads to life."

Let's Pray:
Have thine on way Lord, have thine on way. Thou art the Potter, we are the clay! Give us hearts to listen, to learn and to accept Your ways are best Father.  May we be fast to forgive others and not take on an offense.  Help us recognize You are our Protector and we don't need to guard our hearts from hurt, but give them to You to work with in ways that lead to a life of peace. In Jesus' Name, Amen

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