January with John

December 31
I'm still cherishing Joseph's encounter with the angel when he was in his dilemma over Mary being pregnant and considering his options.

Consider this is an excellent intro when presenting the gospel.  Jesus does a great job presenting the Pharisees with some thoughts to consider about the Messiah in Matthew 22:41-46

While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, "What do you think about the Messiah? Whose son is he?"  "The son of David," they replied.  He said to them, "How is it then that David, speaking by the Spirit, calls him, "Lord? For he says, 'The Lord said to my Lord: 'Sit at my right hand until I put your enemies under your feet.'
If then David calls him 'Lord,' how can he be his son?"
No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.

The book of John is filled with Jesus dishing out consider this statements to the Jewish leaders.  I'm spending January in John. It's a great way to start the new year.

You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about me!  John 5:39

Once again I hit a place where I wanted to bail on writing a daily devotional thought.  Emailing one of my encouragers, I asked her to pray if this was God saying 15 years is enough; or me saying I don't want to do this anymore.  After hitting send, I opened an email from another reader. She was requesting prayer for surgery and a long recovery period. She was thankful during that time she would at least be able to read Boojoyful each day.  It took maybe 30 seconds for God to give me the answer. I emailed the first reader back and we laughed at How God speaks when we seek him.  So dear friends, including  Jesus, unless I get called home tonight, I shall see you tomorrow.
Happy New Year!
Love, Boo

My laptop has crashed, from overload.  I may be a little later each day getting these out as I have to venture into another part of the house to use another computer and I love doing my study time under my big fluffy comforter in my bed in the winter!  :-)  Some of you say you are missing the pictures.  This laptop has not allowed me to download any pics, but that should be able to happen on the other computer.

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