The Light of Heaven

Sparklers bring such a thrill, so will the light of heaven...FOREVER!
God's Glory will be a light like we've never seen.

April 26
Yesterday, I read this entry in Jesus Always, by Sarah Young and thought.  Who do I know who's headed to heaven soon.  The thought entered my mind, it could be me and this was to excite me about the journey.  Ends up, the father of a dear friend, since childhood, had passed from this earth into heaven just hours earlier.  He would have been 96 tomorrow.  What wonderful words for this friend of my to read as she thanks the Lord for her father's faith and the comfort of knowing where he is spending eternity!

“There will be no night in heaven, for the Glory of God gives it Light.  You will not need nighttime for sleeping, because your glorified body will always be full of energy.  Tiredness is one of the main things people have to contend with in this this world, especially as they grow old or sickly.  But there will be no fatigue in heaven and therefore no need for sleep.

The Glory-Light of heaven is perfect and brilliant, without a speck of darkness in it.  There will be no sin there-nothing to hide. You will see everything through glorified eyes, as you’ve never seen before. Colors will be more vivid; faces will be more vibrant.  You will be able to look fully into My Face.  Your experience will be far better than that of Moses, who had to hide in the cleft of a rock while My Glory passed by.  He was allowed to see only My back, but you will have no such limitations.  In heaven you will see Me face to Face-in all My Glory!”  By Sarah Young (Written in the voice of Jesus)

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