To Be ...Celebrating Life

This cute fellow has been celebrating being 1.

February 1
Everyday is a reason to celebrate. Stop and ponder the intricacies of creation and that God made each of us! woot!

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24

Hmm? Does the Bible tell us to celebrate birthdays?  The Israelites had a calendar of feasts of God to celebrate.

"Moses posted the calendar for the annual appointed feasts of God which Israel was to celebrate."
Leviticus 23:44

At one of Herod's birthday parties his daughter, Herodias danced.  There is record of Pharaoh making a feast for all his servants at one of his birthday parties, so these celebrations did exist and record must have been made of birth dates. The wisemen came to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but I haven't read any mention of Mary baking a cake each year!

Googling the history of the birthday cake I learned that in classical Roman culture flat cakes made from flour, nuts and sweetened with honey were occasionally served.  The cake tradition came more into play in German bakeries the 15th century.

We don't need a birthday to celebrate the gift of life.  Look at someone today and simply say, "I'm so glad God made you!"

Bible gateway does a great job of selecting verses to go along with the calendar year, so February is heavy on "Love" verses.  My plan is to continue the "To Be" series, but I'll slip in the Biblegateway love verse at the end when I remember.

"Attention, Israel!  God, our God!  God the one and only!  Love God, your God, with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you,  love him with all you've got!"  Deuteronomy 6:4-5MSG

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