To Be...An Art Form

May 18
We have some majorly creative grandchildren. Our daughter has come up with a great way
to display her sons' artwork. (See above.) Curtain rods with clips!  I added Spider Man for fun!

God is The Creator!  The one who makes masterpieces!  We are each a personalized art form!

"For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

"Maybe you and I struggle to see God's great workmanship in our lives because we forget our purpose.  We weren't created masterfully so that we might shine brighter than others, look more beautiful in the latest fashions, or make a name for ourselves. We were lovingly created in Christ Jesus for good works designed by God, just for us.
You are beautiful.  You are unique and treasured, and He's not even through with you yet!  You are an expression that flows from what is most valuable to the Creator, God Himself.  Created to beautifully declare the most significant story our Savior has to tell.  You are nothing short of a poiema (masterpiece) today."  Ruth Chou Simons

May you each be a glorious art show to the world wherever you go today!  May we look at others we see as a masterpiece and appreciate God's work and design!

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