To Be...A Living Testimony
May 10
Testimony! First hand experience! Probably the greatest single tool in spreading the gospel, yet how often do we hear it done?
"If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved."
Romans 10:9-10
A testimony goes even further than a profession of faith. Giving testimony to God for answering prayers and showing up in our lives increases the faith of others. When God places someone on your heart and you pray for them; take it a step further and call them and tell them you have them on your heart. Time and time again, I'm blown away by their need for prayer at that moment and by sharing the Spirit's moving you to pray; that other individual's faith is increase as well as your own!
We'd been praying for over a month for a friend who was afraid his colon cancer had returned. He had lost a lot of weight, felt awful and we too were concerned. God placed Romans 15:13 in front of me the day before his colonoscopy. It was perfect, so I texted it to our friend.
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
Then as they pulled into the hospital to allow the valet to park their car this conversation went down, as recorded by our friend's wife:
"A nice man took our information and when I got out of the car I said we would be here until about 4-5PM and he said, "It doesn't matter how long as you have Jesus with you!" She said they replied, "Amen!" The husband looked at the valet and said, "You've made my day."
"God said it, I believe it, that settles it!" This is a quote, related to God's Word, that my husband had made into a banner and it hung in our kitchen for years.
The Bible says, "Then John gave this testimony: 'I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.'" John 1:32
John said it. I believe it and that settles it in my mind. Jesus is the Son of God.
May we all be found faithful to give a testimony today of what the Lord Jesus has done in our lives.
I have to add in one more. Tuesday, we had to take the baby and one of the older boys to the pediatrician. They had separate appointments. The seven year old was diagnosed with strep throat, so I left with him to go pick up a prescription, while our daughter (who cannot drive right now due to a c-section) remained at the doctor's office waiting for the baby's check up. Heading back, I realized I didn't know the name of the pediatrician's office or address. The roads in Charlottesville can become quite confusing. My daughter was not answering her text, so finally I told our grandson, "We just need to pray. Lord, please help us find our way." At that very moment I looked up and right to the left of us was the office! We were both elated!!!! God is so good. Ask in His name and you shall receive!