To Be...Aware of Nature

June 2-3
Since putting together a guide on worship for our women's summer study here at Shiloh, I've been called to practice what I'm going to preach.  Getting up before the sun and sneaking off to a quiet spot on our screened porch to be still before the Lord has been an AMAZING practice!

This morning I was blown away by the concert nature was performing!  The owls, the crickets, and who knows how many different birds were uniting in their praise for their Creator.  Living in a rural area most likely enhances the ability to hear these creatures, yet I know they are singing ever so brilliantly in Central Park.  The other sounds of the city may just muffle them a bit, but a keen ear could hear them.

So, why don't we wake up singing to the Lord?

Another interesting realization is that of all the animals, insects and fowl out there rejoicing, I could not see one of them, but it was obvious they were there.  I could not see God, but it was quite clear to me He was speaking to me and drawing me closely to Him.  My guess is those few minutes in His Presence will be the highlight of my day.

Allow yourselves the opportunity to get to a place today where God can thrill your heart and tell Him how much you love Him!  

My hope was to find a song from my childhood, "All Creatures of My God and King," but I googled "Let All Creation Sing," and up popped this one which was perfect for what my heart was experiencing this morning. Oh, how I wish you all were here with hands lifted high and we were dancing and singing together her at Shiloh?   

(I'm laughing now over the power of the joy of the Lord.  I have reason to suspect my left foot is broken after a Diet Coke carton broke and several cans fell out smashing my foot last week.  It swelled, bruised and has been quite painful.  Then last night, while helping my husband unload the contents of a large long box, I rotated and pulled something in my tailbone area. Yet, the joy of the Lord makes me want to dance anyway!!!!! He's the real deal y'all!)

Click this link:

"Oh, visit the earth, ask her to join the dance! Deck her out in spring showers, fill the God-River with living water. Paint the wheat fields golden. Creation was made for this! Drench the plowed fields, soak the dirt clods With rainfall as harrow and rake bring her to blossom and fruit. Snow-crown the peaks with splendor, scatter rose petals down your paths, All through the wild meadows, rose petals. Set the hills to dancing, Dress the canyon walls with live sheep, a drape of flax across the valleys. Let them shout, and shout, and shout! Oh, oh, let them sing!"
Psalm 65:9-13

Here is "All Creatures of Our God and King"

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