To Be...Banishing Bitterness

October 30
Last week in Bible Study Fellowship we studied the book of Ruth.  It's a fabulous story and spoke right to my heart.  Naomi has moved to a foreign land with her husband and two sons to seek food during a famine.  Her husband dies and her two sons marry foreign women and then they die leaving three childless widows.  Naomi has learned there is food again in her homeland and decides to return, but tells her daughter in laws to go home to their parents.  One daughter in law, Ruth, decides to go with her mother in law and follow her God.
As Naomi returns home she tells her friends her name is now Mara, meaning bitter. 

You need to read the rest of the story and see how God provides hope and happiness through the foreign daughter in law, Ruth and her kinsman redeemer. While Naomi is sad and bitter, she misses that God is in the midst of providing life, love, and a grandchild through Ruth!  When we are suffering we need to look to Jesus, remembering He is our Redeemer, and not drown in our sorrow.

God is always up to good.  Let's trust that He works all things together to make us better, so let's give away the bitterness.

"Stop being bitter and angry and mad at others.  Don't yell at one another or curse each other or ever be rude."  Ephesians 4:31

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