To Be...Focused on Today

October 3
It was one of the sentences you read over and over again!

"You need not fear the future, for I am already there." 
 Jesus Calling

Not only will Jesus be waiting when we step into eternity, He is waiting when we step into tomorrow!

"Don't worry about tomorrow. It will take care of itself.  You have enough to worry about today."
Matthew 6:34

Sarah Young also wrote: "Each day of life is a glorious gift, but so few people know how to live within the confines of today. Much of their energy for abundant living spills over the timeline into tomorrow's worries or past regrets."

Oh, I was a planner in my younger years.  I had to be to some extent to get six kids out the door to the right places and to get their laundry done as well.  That day timer of mine was extremely valuable!  We didn't have cell phone calendars to keep track of our schedules. Fortunately, each page of the day timer had a scripture verse and Christian author's quote printed on it to keep me a little grounded.  

How I wish I had been more focused on the Presence of God back then.  So many God ordained encounters were certainly missed because my eyes were focused more on family survival.

Let's don't miss what God has on the agenda for today, because we are so busy worrying about how we are going to handle what could happen next week.

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