To Be...Strolling Along

October 6-7
We were strolling along the trails of Monticello last Monday and came to a "Y" in the path and took the bridge, just because it was pretty.

When we are strolling along through life there is choice after choice to be made.  Thursday, I was assisting a "Good News Club" at a local elementary school.  Our "word for the day" was actually a command: "Follow God."

The leader emphasized the importance of learning to pray to God for all decisions and learning to listen for his voice.  This weekend I have the privilege of baby sitting for our four month old grandson at a women's retreat in the mountains and I pray all of us in attendance will hear from God as we stroll along through the retreat.

The GNC memory verse was "Young people can live a clean life by obeying your word." Ps. 119:9

Where ever you stroll this weekend I pray you stay in communication with God about where you are heading.

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