To Be...The Same-Steadfast

It's Fall Y'all!
October 12
Seasonal change is all around us here in Virginia.  While the unseasonably warm temperatures have had the hydrangeas still bursting forth in color, a chill in the air is on it's way and the leaves will start to put on their party colors.  The weather from hurricane Michael has certainly stirred up changes in the wind and water this week.  The US political world and stock market continually exhibit change...often unwanted and stressful.
Traffic patterns, schedules, technology and certainly our bodies change without formal announcements often catching us off guard.  And boy, oh boy, do our temperaments change.  We can be joyful one moment and an emotional mess the next.

God knew all this from the moment he created us.  He formed us in our mother's wombs with these emotions.  The highs and lows often bring us into His Presence, yet He longs for us to hang in there with him even on the middle ground.

In Hebrews chapter 13 God's Word teaches us there is someone who is steadfast.  Someone who loves us beyond our capability to understand.  Someone who is has always been and will forever will be the same.

"Jesus Christ never changes!  He is the same yesterday, today, and forever."
Hebrews 13:8 

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