Life is a Lot

Look how radiant and full of peace and hope our friend was before heading 
in for a liver transplant Saturday AM.

I'm probably going to ramble because my brain is scrambled from so many needs for so many people close to us.  This was written Friday.  The liver is in, but prayers are needed for our friend is in critical condition.

We all returned to Moneta with heavy hearts.  Then at 10PM that night the wife called and said we're going back to Charlottesville!  THEY HAVE A LIVER coming in. 

We headed back to Charlottesville Saturday for the long wait while surgery took place. Prayers are needed.

I wrote this to a group of friends Friday night who are suffering.

This past week and especially the past 48 hours have been laden with heart ache for some of the most precious people in my life.

You, my blind copied very private group of friends, are facing a variety of battles which rang from infectious diseases, to cancer battles, to heart issues, to grief from just losing a loved one, to antibiotic infections ravaging your body, to physical injuries replayed for the world to see and finally to one friend in desperate need of a liver. 

I just had breakfast with this "liver" friend this morning. I confess, after hearing of his latest doctor’s appointment report, I was giving up hope that there would ever be a liver.  Shame on me, because like the song below says, Not for a moment does God forsake us….He is CONSTANT.

My friend just called and he is headed to UVA right now to hopefully get a liver first thing in the morning.

I’m claiming that same hope for each of you and the unknowns you are facing!!!!  Your futures are not unknown to God.
As one of you just reminded me…"Our God is able to do abundantly more than we can hope or imagine.”

I love each of you with a passion. I thank God you are in my life and I count it a privilege to pray for you, to weep with you and rejoice with you.

As Deke was praying over our friend and his wife, by phone, this song came to mind and I asked the Lord to forgive me for giving up hope.
Not for a moment does God ever forsake us.

Not for a Moment by Meredith Andrews

Deep, deep love, 

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