Dance Partner

I've been dancing with this man for over 45 years. (Mostly in our kitchen or alone on our dock.)

Following my stroke it became evident that the sequencing area of my brain had been damaged.  Activities with two or more steps where and continue to be difficult/exhausting to carry out brain wise.  At the beginning of the rehabilitation process I utilized post it notes to remind me how to do things as simple as dressing.  Cooking was always a delight to me, but now there is a higher success rate and less brain frustration when another person helps, by calling out the recipe step by step and helping to lay out ingredients.

A speech therapist friend suggested I play simple piano pieces or knit basic patterns to help my brain relearn the sequencing process. For over twenty years our daughter was a music therapist in hospitals playing her harp and I remembered the impact music therapy has on patients.  Stability and balance were a challenge for me, so I called a friend whom I knew went line dancing once a week in a nearby city.  No way was I going out in  public to dance, but she came to our home and would teach me line dancing in our kitchen! I highly recommend this as well as water aerobics classes to stroke survivors rehabilitating.

These two quotes thrilled my heart when I related them to our dance of life with Jesus as our partner.

"Join the dance of life in fullness without having a clue about what the steps are." Gerald G. May

"To dance when we do not know the steps requires us to value our partner above our performance.  To dance in the dark demonstrates a lavish display of trust."  Alicia Britt Chole.

David was a man after God's own heart and we remember he danced for the Lord. 

And David danced before the Lord with all his might. 2 Samuel 6:14

When two people try to lead a dance there is confusion and it doesn't go smoothly.  When we let the Lord lead our lives we find joy, peace, freedom and love! 

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.  Proverbs 16:9

The Song Praise You with the Dance

Casting Crowns

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