It's A Mystery

 Our little "mystery" man!

Currently, his perplexing mystery is why he can't marry his beautiful cousin whom he adores.

Often, when you ask this three year old a question such as "Where is your water bottle?  Where did  you put the remote?"  he will reply, "It's a mystery!"  I'm thankful God is a mystery, for if we could figure out his ways he wouldn't be the all-powerful God, all knowing God that he is!

Let this quote take you deep as you ponder where you stand on the reality of all of God's mysteries, most which will not be unfolded this side of heaven.

"When we were children most of us were good friends with mystery. The world was full of it and we loved it. Then as we grew older we slowly accepted the indoctrination that mystery exists only to be solved.  For many of us, mystery becomes an adversary: unknowing becames a weakness.  The contemplative spiritual life is on ongoing reversal of this adjustment. It is a slow and sometimes painful process of becoming "as little children" again, in which we first make friends with mystery and finally fall in love again with it," Gerald G. May

Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! 

Romans 11:33

Praise God for his mysterious ways!  Rejoice in the unknown and the fact we can trust the One who holds all the answers.

The Song Gateway Worship

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