No Need to Clean Up

I was chatting with a group of grandmothers and we were all laughing how we have learned there is not need to clean up before the grandchildren come to visit.  Let the crumbs fall (well maybe until the ant start to march). There are clean up benefits to having a dog around the table.

A friend was sharing how she was discussing baptism with her adult son, but he told her there were things in his life he felt he needed to clean up before he went forward with baptism. She shared how he was missing the point, we can come to Jesus when we are a total mess.

but God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

"To believe our sin is greater than God’s ability to forgive borders on arrogance….Jesus lived and died to bring us complete, freedom-giving, peace-producing, joy-filling, heavenly forgiveness that restores us to intimacy with our heavenly Father.  In the Lord’s prayer Jesus invites us to come to Him and ask for the forgiveness He so longs to give."  Kay Swatkowski

The Song   "I Speak Jesus" Charity Gayle

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