ABC's "D" Delight, "E" Everlasting & "F" Father


What do you think of when you hear the word everlasting?   For me it's the Energizer Bunny.  Well, I just opened a long neglected gadget which required 6 double A batteries. They had corroded and certainly had not lasted forever.  Forever, the next word trigger, related to everlasting  reminds me of God's Word. It has stood the test of time and will be everlasting.

The word father conjures up a wide variety of emotions for individuals as they think of their earthly fathers or maybe step fathers, their role as a father, maybe a priest they addressed as father, and then their heavenly Father.

Googling the definition of father brought about these statements: a man in relationship to his child or children; a priest; and the cause of a pregnancy. No mention of God our Father.

What adjectives come to mind when you hear Father? Provider, protector and one who is present are always first for me.  Mentor, teacher, confidant, strong, loving...and I guess that last definition above goes along with creator.

An amazing attribute of our heavenly Father is that he is everlasting. He will never leave us or forsake us. He is our dwelling place. The other huge difference from earthly fathers is that He is holy. Hallowed is His name

We continue on with some "ABC" specifics to pray we all find in our relationship with God we hit upon "D" "E" and "F".

Delight - Delight in God and be totally satisfied with His love. 

Delight yourself in the Lordand he will give you the desires of your heartPsalm 37:4


Pray we find refuge in God and believe that His everlasting arms are always read to catch us. 

The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
And he thrust out the enemy before you 
and said, ‘Destroy.’  
Deuteronomy 33:27


Pray we will enjoy intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. 

Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Matthew 6:9

The Songs (All delightful!)

Rejoice Video (30 minutes long, plug in with your grandchildren and rejoice with singing and dancing.)

Psalm 37:4

Everlasting Father

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