ABC Prayers for Grandchildren
Somehow I forgot to post this intro to ABC prayers, that you will see me reference into weeks ahead.
In the book A Grandmother's Prayers" there are ABC guidelines suggesting specific verses to pray for your grandchildren. These are excellent life verse for us all. I highlighted each of these verses in my Bible for Grandmothers as a reminder to pray these things for our lives and the lives of those who come after us.
The Lord is leading me to take a deeper look at these areas and share on Boojoyful in the days ahead. I'll start today with Acknowledge. Interruptions will come, but eventually I hope to get through all of these.
Acknowledge Pray we will acknowledge God in all of our ways.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6
My husband shared an incredible statement with a Bible Study group at our home Monday. This story referenced a young 54 year old man from our church who died a few weeks ago after a tough battle with cancer. Two days before he passed, this husband and father told our pastor "I don't understand the plan with me dying like this, but I trust the Planner!"
In the setting at our home the day was a young grandmother whose 1 year old granddaughter was born with huge physical complications related to a very rare disease. This child needs round the clock care. After hearing what my husband said, our friend tearfully shared how there had been tension between her son in law's parents and she and her husband ever since their children married. This is the sweetest soft spoken, tender hearted woman. She went on to explain that for 8 years she'd prayed they could be friends and enjoy grandparenting together. Since their granddaughter's birth, the four grandparents have had to be hands on helping this family care for this baby. They've stayed in hotel rooms next to each other in cities where the child has been hospitalized. At one point the other grandmother even told our friend, "I love you." God has answered her prayers. While not in a way they would have ever wanted and not in a away they are able to understand the plan, they are acknowledging they see God at work. Isn't that a powerful testimony!
The Songs
(These are very different! The first one has a repetitious lyric with a reggae beat and the second one is very soothing.)
"Acknowledge God"
"In Your Presence "
The Whole List (Just in case I don't make it through.)
Acknowledge Pray we will acknowledge God in all of our ways. Proverbs 3:5-6
Believe -Believe in Jesus even though we have not seen Him-yet we are blessed by believing. John 20:29
Care-Remember and trust that God cares so much they they can give their concerns to Him. 1 Peter 5:7
Delight- Delight in God and be totally satisfied with His love. Psalm 37:4
Everlasting-Find refuge in God and believe that His everlasting arms are always read to catch them. Deuteronomy 33:27
Father-Enjoy intimate relationship with our heavenly Father. Matthew 6:9
Good -Believe that God always fulfills all of His good promises. Joshua 21:45
Hope-Hope in their Savior all the day long. Psalm 25:5
Infinite - Accept and enjoy God’s infinite love. Ps. 103:11
Joy Believe in Jesus and experience inexpressible joy.1 Peter 1:8
Know-Take time to be still and truly know God. Psalm 46:10
Love-Love the Lord God with all their heart and love their neighbors as themselves. Matthew 5:7
Mercy Show mercy to all people. Matthew 5:7
Nothing-Believe and live out the truth that nothing can separate them from the love of God. Romans 8:31-39
Open-Open the door of their lives to Jesus and allow Him to have control of every area. Revelation 3:20
Please-Make their first priority pleasing God. 2 Corinthians 5:9
Quiet-Closely follow the Shepherd to the quiet waters. Ps. 23:2
Redeemer-Remember that their Redeemer lives. Job 19:25
Strength Trust in the Lord and find strength in Him. Psalm 28:7
Truth-Find freedom in the truth of the gospel. John 14:6
Unfailing-Trust in God’s unfailing love. Psalm 13:5
Victory-Experience victory through the Lord Jesus Christ 1 Corinthians 15:57
Worship -Worship in spirit and truth. John 4:23