The Sabbath

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

Exodus 20:8

The creature distractions in our yard Sunday night had the potential to take me from Sabbath mode to Granny get your BB gun and get these menaces out of here. (My husband's dispersal method is to drive the car through the yard making them scatter.)  The geese and deer were leaving deposits everywhere and eating our grass and plants as the woodpeckers were pecking away on the house and trees. Just as my blood pressure began to rise, our beloved blue heron spread his wings and glided down the cove to rest on our property steadying my heart and urging me to take in how magnificent all these creatures are.

Our Sabbath rest can be so easily distracted. Hide the phone or it won't happen.  For a pastor and his family it certainly does not happen on a Sunday, but it needs to happen at some point during each week. Mark Buchanan wrote in his book, The Rest of God, which I look forward to sharing from more later, "The Sabbath command breaks us out of the prison of our own selfishness: it undoes our legalistic bent to go our own way."

I'm realizing the Sabbath is all about Jesus. It's a rest from the "rest of us and our plans" and a positioning of ourselves to be with the Lord, which is where we find our real rest.  My newest quote "Steal away for a Sabbath day!"

The Songs 

"Rest" Kari Jobe  (11 Minutes)

"Be Still My Soul" Kari Jobe

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