Where You Never Grow Old


We bought our home here on Smith Mt Lake 24 years ago and moved here full time 22 years ago.  When we return to our home town we are always amazed how people have grown old!  Why is it we rarely see ourselves as aging?

We chuckled recently as we entertained a new youth pastor candidate for our church over breakfast at our home.  We had both put on aprons to keep clean in the frying bacon and making french toast process and took this selfie.  We laughed and said he's going to come in the house and think, "These are a couple old ninnies."  I had just cut my husband's hair super short the night before, he's never had a beard, has no tattoos and prefers khakis to jeans. Let's just say this young man was quite the opposite in physical appearance (to the thankfulness of the youth he works with, I'm sure) to my husband.  Grins crossed our faces as we thought about the call he made to his wife as he left our home...Probably something like this..."Well, they're friendly, but pretty old, probably won't be around much longer, and the pastor is a real "city boy".

Let it be said, we loved this young man and his wife, they love Jesus and we are hopeful our church votes to hire him and he learns to love us even though we are old.

They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green. Psalm 92:14

A gray head is a crown of glory; It is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31

When I think of heaven I think of the glory of God's presence continually shining, of streets of gold and no more pain or tears, but I'm not sure I've contemplated the eternal aging process. While on another song search I came across the beautiful voices of the Church sisters singing "Where You Never Grow Old".

The Song

"Where You Never Grow Old"  The Church Sisters


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