ABC's O- Open, P-Please, Q-Quiet

 Lovely Father's day afternoon with two of our children and 4 of the grands.

We are heading into the second half of the ABC prayer topics to pray for our children and grandchildren. Our prayers and consistent glimpses of our faith are the best gifts we can give our families.

Open-Open the door of their lives to Jesus and allow Him to have control of every area.

Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in and we will eat together. Revelation 3:20 

A friend was visiting and asked, "What is that beeping noise I keep hearing?"  I explained that 1 beep alerts me to a door being opened in the house. It is a great security device for when the grandchildren are here and going in and out.  Three beeps means someone is coming or going across a sensor in our driveway.  Living on five acres, it helps alert me when someone is approaching and gives me time to see who is at the door.  I know whether I want to open the door or not before they knock!  Oh what a joy it would be to see Jesus knocking! My prayer is that our off spring live in that same joyful expectation of longing to let Jesus in.

Please-Make their first priority pleasing God. 

But whether we are at home with the Lord or away from him, we still try our best to please him. 2 Corinthians 5:9 

One of our sons was just staying here with this 21 month old, while his wife was preparing for movers to  move them from MD to VA.  There are 3 other grands in the house as well and there is quite a bit of clutter around which is to be expected with 8 people living in a house. The second night here our son said, "I think it's important for our daughter to know that no matter where she is she needs to pick up her toys." (Whether at home or away.)  That is a very courteous plan, but I said, "Oh, let's just look at this as a week's vacation at Mama Boo's and only do it every few days."

Now when it comes to pleasing God, I go with let's do that wherever we are at all times! 

Quiet-Closely follow the Shepherd to the quiet waters. 

He lets me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. Psalm. 23:2

The summer weekends at Shiloh may appear chaotic to others who pass by in their boats.  Last Saturday night, two grands were cruising the yard in their battery operated toy jeep and toy John Deer lawn mower, while three adults, a ten year old and an eleven year old were whacking foam golf balls across the yard.  Then they all had sling shot helicopter toys they were shooting in the air.  My daughter and I sat in rockers on the patio enjoying the view and amazingly the quiet. Everyone was content, as we relaxed in our own ways, by the quiet waters of the lake.  There is something about quiet waters that brings peace and rejuvenation.  If it's just a bathtub you can escape to, do it and ask Jesus to meet you there.

The Song
"Be Still My Soul" Kari Jobe

Open the Eyes of My Heart

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