Talking to a Four Year Old

As our 4 year old grandson was explaining the world of "Paw Patrol" to me, I said, "That is amazing."  He then said, "Are you really impressed with me?"  LOL  I relied, "Yes, I am." Mostly because he knew to ask if I was impressed.

Later, I was driving him to a swimming lesson and he asked if I knew where he lived in Charlottesville. I said, "Yes, I do. I was actually at your house the day your family moved in and you were still in your mama's tummy."  He thought that was funny and we talked a lot about how God created all kinds of mama's to grow babies in their tummies.  Dog, cats, cows, horses, and on along the mammal line.  Then I really blew him away when I told him his mama had been my my tummy.

His next question was "How did she grow?" We discussed that process and the fact that he would grow to be an adult. Then he asked, "When will I have a baby in my tummy?"  "Never." I replied.  The big "Why?" came next.  I bestowed upon  him the wisdom that he may not hear from the rest of the world.  "God chose to create you to be a boy.  You may grow to be a father, but you will never carry a baby in your tummy."

The conversations continued to be sweet throughout the day.  He loves to get out of his booster seat and stand up in our moonroof window of the car as we drive down our private road. He had requested to do this, but as I turned onto our drive I spotted a friend who is a house painter working near by and tooted the horn to say hello.  As I continued to drive he said, "What about me standing in that moonroof?" I stopped the car and apologized saying I had allowed myself to be distracted.  Ever so sweetly he said, "That's okay Mama Boo, that happens to me sometimes too."

Lord, forgive me for talking more to these children than I have you the past few days, but may I always be ready to give an answer that honors you when questioned. 

but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect...1 Peter 3:15

The Song

"Jesus is the Answer" Michael W Smith

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