Praying Through Colossians Day 1

I've been side tracked and hanging out in Colossians the past couple days, so I'm going to take you with me! The Book of Colossians was written by Paul, but there are references to contributions by Timothy. Paul's wrote to warn the Colossian believers of doctrinal error and spur them on to continued growth in Christ.  Paul, a Jew, was concerned about the issue of Jewish legalism and Old Testament law being a stumbling block to the concept of salvation by grace apart from works.  It's hard for our minds to accept this free gift!

My guess is my path is about to cross with someone with whom I will need to "know how to give an answer". presents this practical application.

"Although Paul addresses many areas, the basic application for us today is the total and complete sufficiency of Christ in our lives, both for our salvation and our sanctification. We must know and understand the gospel so as not to be led astray by subtle forms of legalism and heresy. We must be on guard for any deviation that would diminish the centrality of Christ as Lord and Savior. Any “religion” that tries to equate itself with the truth using books that claim the same authority as the Bible, or which combines human effort with divine accomplishment in salvation must be avoided. Other religions cannot be combined with or added to Christianity. Christ gives us absolute standards of moral conduct. Christianity is a family, a way of life, and a relationship—not a religion. Good deeds, astrology, occultism and horoscopes do not show us God’s ways. Only Christ does. His will is revealed in His word, His love letter to us; we must get to know it!"

Cleaning out my bedside table I came across a card published by the ministry of Navigators Press with a list of 31 personal prayers from the book of Colossians. I'm typing them up and sending these out over the next few days.  Praying scripture into our lives is always profitable.

1) Lord God, help me to remember to give thanks to You, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, in all things and to maintain an attitude of prayer. (1:3)

2) Build in me a strong faith in You and a love for all the saints. (1:4)

3) Fill me with the knowledge of Your will in all areas of my life. (1:9)

4) Teach me to walk in a manner worthy of You and to please You in all things. (1:10)

5) Help me to bear fruit daily in the work I do and increase in the knowledge of You. (1:10)

6) Help me to be strengthened with Your power that I may have endurance and patience. (1:11)

7) Help me to always remember that, as a believer, I have been delivered from darkness and brought into the kingdom of Your beloved Son. (1:13)

8) I pray that You will have first place in everything in my life. (1:18)

9) Father, I ask You to make my faith strong, stable, and fixed on the truth of the gospel.  (1:23)

10) Please knit my heart together in love with other believers in the body of Christ. (2:2)

The Song
"Let Them Hear" by Ginny Owens 2002
(I could only find a snippet online of this sweet song in Ginny's amazing voice, so that's the first one. Then the whole song is being sung by a woman at her church in the second link.)

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