Heaven 8-9

Kitchen servants

Day 8

Isaiah 66:1-2

The Lord said: Heaven is my throne; the earth is my footstool. What kind of house could you build for me? In what place will I rest? I have made everything; that's how it all came to be. I, the Lord, have spoken. The people I treasure most are the humble—they depend only on me and tremble when I speak.

Day 9 

Matthew 6:19-21 

Don't store up treasures on earth! Moths and rust can destroy them, and thieves can break in and steal them.  Instead, store up your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy them, and thieves cannot break in and steal them.  Your heart will always be where your treasure is.

Ha, I store up a lot of junk for the grands to turn into treasures.  When I'm gone it will probably all go to the dump!

I've stored up a lot of books should the grid get out of grasp and I have enough yarn stored up to make several scarves, shawls or blankets to keep us warm if the power goes out. If money runs out everyone will get a scarf for Christmas!

I know these things are not of eternal value.  One day I walked through the house and thought what is it I could not live without? When we downsize what is it I want to take? Surprisingly, there was very little.

There is so much awaiting us in Heaven!

I thank God for these two selfless young men who showed up to help me husband when two trees fell recently on our property. It was their joy to serve.

One of my favorite sights out my bedroom window is that of the 15 humble, godly, men who gather every Wednesday to study God's Word and pray at our home.

I know I should have a Saturday song, but we are heading out on a little secret service ourselves. The Lord willing I will be back in the saddle Monday!

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