Peril -A Target

Our prayer group was talking about spiritual warfare and how we might as well expect attacks when we are seeking or serving the Lord.  The other day I opened the Moses book by Charles Swindoll and want to share from this chapter.

“One of the greatest mysteries is the perilous nature of godliness. All who pursue a close walk with God move into dangerous territory.  We learned in the previous chapter how crucial it is to spend time with the Lord.  Did you know you make yourself vulnerable by doing so?  If you determine to invest your life in God and cultivate an intimacy with the Almighty, you’re asking for it.  You’re marching directly into a minefield.  It won’t be long before you begin to experience what we could call “The Peril Principle.”

Webster defines ‘peril’ as ‘exposure to the risk of being injured; danger.’ Peril speaks of the threat of injury, not its certainty….Those who determine to walk with God become a target of the enemy.

It may be that you have seriously decided to make fresh tracks in your walk with Jesus Christ this year.  You have determined to awaken from your long sleep-walk and follow your Lord over new horizons.  You framed a promise to God that said, in effect, ‘Lord, I want to spend time with You consistently. I want to meet with You. I want my life to become godly. I desire to honor Jesus Christ.’

If you have made such a commitment, I can assure you that the host of hell has already gotten the word.   You are not the target of enemy attacks. You face a series of perils that could ultimately lead to injury in your spiritual life.

You are facing inevitable traps.  You need not fall into any of them, but they will come.  Second Timothy 3:12 says straight out, ‘In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.’  

But God is on His throne and in His Word he teaches us how to fight. Everyday we need to put on the Armor of God and resist the devil!

As we walk towards Heaven, there will be devil darts on the path.

The Song

"Everything Gonna Be Alright" Ryan Ellis  (Two different arrangements)

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