Happy Helpers


Our walnut work crew. $1 a bucket. My husband says this year it looks like the trees will drop 10,000 walnuts. That makes walking through our yard difficult.
So, thankful to have these helpers!

Do your work willingly, as though you were serving the Lord himself, and not just your earthly master. Colossians 3:23

Do you think the disciples were happy helpers when they were told to toss their nets, go to a town for food, feed 5,00 by faith, walk to Samaria, see Jesus headed to the cross?

The work God calls us to is not always of our choosing, understandable to the human mind, or of what we would consider great value, but whatever it is, it is purposeful.

In BSF we meditated on John chapter 5 this week.  Verses 17 quotes Jesus...
"But Jesus said, 'My Father has never stopped working, and this is why I keep on working.' " If you remember the story, he healed the man by the pool on the Sabbath and then went on to say God was his Father. Some feathers were ruffled.

"Now the leaders wanted to kill Jesus for two reasons. First, he had broken the law of the Sabbath. But even worse, he had said God was his Father, which made him equal with God."  John 5:18

MacLauren's commentary:
" ‘The Jews’ were up in arms because Jesus had delivered a man from thirty-eight years of misery. They had no human sympathies for the sufferer, whom hope deferred had made sick and hopeless, but they shuddered at the breach of the Sabbath. ‘Sacrifice’ was more important in their view than ‘mercy.’ They did not acknowledge that the miracle proved Christ’s Messiahship, but they were quite sure that doing it on the Sabbath proved His wickedness. How formalism twists men’s judgments of the relative magnitude of form and spirit!

Jesus’ vindication of His action roused them still farther, for He put it on a ground which seemed to them nothing short of blasphemy: ‘My Father worketh even until now, and I work.’ "  

There is a vary large contingency in the world unhappy with us when we are about the Lord's business. Remember it's not a battle against flesh and blood, but a battle with Satan who knows his days are numbered.

So, keep whistling a happy tune and "Go and tell what Jesus has done!" The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.

The Song

"First Things First" Consumed by Fire


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