Rise and Shine or Not

Our beautiful granddaughter in Minnesota

Not everyone is a morning person, but Mama Boo definitely awakens with a song in her heart and ready to whistle a happy tune.  Not all of our children appreciated that growing up and a couple grandchildren who were living with us and having to leave by 6:50AM for school didn't like it either.

I've drew faces on bananas, laid out cinnamon toast crunch on a plate in a happy face design and even skewed fresh fruit on sword tooth picks and they still held back the smiles. (Although, I think they were having to be intentional to keep from smiling.)

Never before have I noticed Proverb 27:14.  Maybe I need to be certain I have a quiet cheerful morning voice.

A loud greeting early in the morning is the same as a curse.  Yikes.

Whatever our wake up mode it's better with Jesus and sweetened with praise.

I rise before the dawn and cry for help; I wait for Your words. Psalm 119:147

In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice; In the morning I will order my prayer to You and eagerly watch.  Psalm 5:3

Don't you love the reminder prayer is as much listening in wait for what God has to say as it is bringing our petitions to Him.  Without the wait of a listening ear we do not know what our King wants us to do.

The Song

"Give Me Jesus" Fernando Ortega


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