Wisdom to Know When to Quit

One of our sons with his 3 year old daughter, coming in last in a fun run at the school where he is Dean of Students and an English professor.

Whether it's learning to dress themselves, attempt the arduous task of threading a needle on my sewing machine, trying to get up on a wake board, or catch a fish. Often I can be heard singing, "Never, never, never give up.  Just keep on trying, soon you'll be flying if you never, never, never give up."

One morning as I was "being still" I had the revelation that there are also times in life we need to wisdom to know when to quit.  That particular evening my husband would be working out our church's Recovery Church for people struggling with addictions and those who love and want to encourage them.

We all struggle with habits, fears, regrets, or guilt we need to know how to quit.

If any of you need wisdom, you should ask God, and it will be given to you. God is generous and won't correct you for asking. James 1:5

The Song

"Perfect Wisdom of Our God" The Gettys


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