Marraige Matters #11

Okay, we are a little adventureous. This is what we wore to the dermatologist.

The sign says, "Your DEER friends the Andrews."

February Heart Quote

"Our world is constantly changing but the needs of our hearts remain the same, and so does our God's power to transform our lives and give us hope for the future."      Billy Graham

Reading Billy Graham's quote the phrase "stick in the mud" came to mind, so I googled for defintions and found several:

 "A person who is dull and unadventurous and resists change."

"Someone who does not like to do anything new or fun."

"Someone who is old-fashioned and too serious and avoids enjoyable activities."

Hmm. I wonder if our children see my husband and I  as "sticks in the mud."  

We are perfectly content in this house we've been in the past 25 years. We drive old cars with 150 miles or more on them. The only adventures we want to go on are the ones God cattle prods us to get out there and go on.  We have lots of fun doing the same old, same old.  I'm guessing in some eyes we are VERY old fashioned.

I think marriages stuck in the mud together, stuck on one another,  can be very exciting.

The one change we know we need is a daily transformation of our hearts to become more like Jesus.

The Verse

Jeremiah 29:11  

I will bless you with a future filled with hope—a future of success, not of suffering.

The contentment and joy we share are possible becasue our hope is not in anything from this world, but someone who is out of this world!  His name is Jesus and he sacrificed his life to make a path for us into heaven.  Hallelujah.

The Song

“Trust in God” Chris Brown Elevation

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