Marriage Matters #8

 February Heart Quote

"Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer's year. It brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul."  Billy Graham

The farmer works hard for that harvest. Likewise, love requires selfless work, but the end result of shared years together is worth the work.

What are some creepers that crawl in, you know, worm their way into a marriage unsuspectedly, and then you realize there is a big hole? Career goals, parenting exhaustion, health issues bringing fear and fatigue, along with the biggie "Expectations!"  "My family does it this way." "We need to chart out a 50-50 split of chores and responsibilities." Then comes, "You owe me. I did more yesterday."

When we begin to sound like a singer warming up to sing by vocalizing "Me, me, me" there is disappointment on the horizon or even possibly a hurricane stirring in the harbor.

Today's song carries this lyric. "Your name is power.  Your name is healing. Your name is life."

Trusting in the power of God, surrendering and calling upon Him to bring healing where hurt lies, provides needed refreshment to weary souls and hope to deteriorating marriages.

The Verse 

Isaiah 26:3-4

The Lord gives perfect peace to those whose faith is firm. So always trust the Lord because he is forever our mighty rock.

The Song

“I Speak Jesus” Charity Gayle

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