Marriage Matters # 9

February Heart Quote

"It's not the body's posture, but the heart's attitude that counts when we pray."  

Billy Graham

What is your attitude towards marriage?  How often do you think back on your wedding vows?  As I read today's heart quote the word cherish came to mind and that took me back to the traditonal wedding vows I said September 23, 1978.

 "In the name of God, I, Linda (my legal name), take you, Deke, to be my lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death us do part. This is my solemn vow."

While I love to be held by him and he has certainly stood by me in sickness, I think most women long to experience the cherished part.  It's not really a guy word though.  They probably don't go into a marriage asking, "Will you cherish me?" Feed me, keep the home welcoming for me, have sex with me, help raise my children...may cross his mind, but probably not cherish.

Wives here is a challenge for us.  Write down what you cherish about your husband. The vow above says we will love and cherish and I think those actions can breed reciprocity/reciprocality. We can be the example of how to cherish another. While the way we desire to be cherished is probably very different than what our husbands need through love, honor and respect, we can open up a healthy discussion on this topic or better yet, we can "PRAY IT, NOT SAY IT" asking God t0 show them what it means to cherish their wife.  

Knowing your husband's love language helps in this process.

When the enemy launches an attack drawing your mind to think negatively about your spouse fight back with a postive thought. Example....He may leave his dirty clothes on the floor, dirty dishes all around and just tracked mud into the house, but you know what?  He came home to me and the kids right after work!

When was the last time you spoke a word of encouragement to you spouse or prayed for them during the day.  Take it a step futher and pray over them when you know they have a tough decision, work travel, or in my case....he's heading out into the woods with a chain saw or onto the roof with a back pack blower and one in his hand.

As I've said before, purchase books on praying for your spouse and use them.

Let's pray now...

Lord, thank You for the establishment of marriage and for the gift of my spouse. Show me how to love and cherish my spouse today like I never have before!  Protect both of our hearts and never let us wander in our commitment to one another. Place the needs of my spouse on my heart to be praying for them before they even have to ask. Keep our marriage bed pure and exciting.  Allow our love for one another and for You, Lord, to grow deeper and deeper each day. Fill our marriage with laughter, joy and sweet kisses that keep us both wanting to come back for more, by the power of Your Holy Spirit.  In Jesus name, amen.

The Verse

Romans 15:13

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Song

“Believe for It” Cece Winans

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