Looking Forward To

Our son and grandson who have been the Pinewood Derby kings for several years finishing strong!

What are you looking forward to?

Looking up the definition for looking forward to most related to the act of being pleased or excited that something is going to happen. The to in the phrase is a preposition, so it must be followed by a something.

For years, raising six children, there was always something on the calendar to look forward to (or as the mother, to get prepared for). 

We are looking forward to Christmas.

We are looking forward to our baby's birth.

We are looking forward to the baby sleeping through the night.

We are looking forward to a birthday party.

We are looking forward to this week's athletic competitions.

We are looking forward to our child getting his driver's license.

We are looking forward to the kids going to college and moving out on their own.

I awakened one Saturday morning, trying first to figure out what day it was. Then,  who was sleeping in the house and what was I looking forward to.  As a pastor's wife and grandmother of 14 most of the dates on my calendar are church and baby sitting related and I find myself praying for the stamina to carry them out.

Then it hit me. I've reached the age where what I am looking forward to most is healing and/or salvation for many and for the day of the Lord's return or my heading home to heaven beforehand.

I've shared before that my mother's favorite passage was John 14:1-3.  This woman had lived through lots of heartache as an only child with parents who battled alcoholism, as she herself did for the majority of my life. She lived through the murder of her father, drowning of her son and death of his son who fought disease in his body from the day he was born. Even with all the heartache she endured, she had a strong faith and I rejoiced for her, knowing she is with Jesus.  My mother implanted Jesus's words in her heart and they gave her something to look forward to.

Don't let your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms.  If it weren't so, I would have told you. I am going to prepare a place for you, If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will receive you  to myself; that where I am, you may be there also.

The Song

“Heaven’s Frequency” Meredith Andrews


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