A friend in my connect group told us a story about a woman, who seeing her downcast, approached her and gave her a little plastic green frog. She told her to remember to Fully Rely on God. I loved this creative way of encouragement and ordered a bag of green frogs that I keep in my car to use to spread joy.
While visiting a local place of business, owned by a young man whom I have known since his teens, the Lord prompted me to bestow a frog upon him. I inquired, "Do you know what F. R.O.G. stands for?"
Quickly, he replied, "Fully Rely on Grace. The older I get Boo, the more I realized how much undeserved grace I have recieved." WOW. That was my reminder lesson for the day. So often when we think we are being a blessing we get blessed back in a bigger way.
God's grace. May we remember to thank Him for that everyday.
The Song
"All Because of Mercy" Casting Crowns