The Sticky Note

We have a lot of fun with sticky notes at our house. The work of prankster grandchildren.

Once, I left an "I love you" note for my husband on his toilet lid. He left it there. Weeks later some ladies came to clean our bathroom and they thought I'd left the note for them.😂  

Often I say that Sunday mornings as a pastor and his wife are like being on the spinning teacup ride. You are heading down the hall on one mission and someone stops you sending you in another direction.  It was that kind of morning.

The evening before and then again that morning I received a text about a church member who had brightened someone's day by sharing their God given gift.  While I did not personally know the "brightner," in the midst of the morning madness I thought...It would really be nice for this person to know they are valued. The service had begun but I was still needed in the lobby and walked to the welcome desk to grab a sticky note. I simply wrote "You are deeply loved by God" and added my cell phone number, saying "Call me later to explain."

Looking through a packed worship center I didn't see the woman, but saw a gentleman she usually sits with.  Whispering that I was looking for her he explained she had stepped out and told me where he thought she had gone. To my dismay, when I found her tears were streaming down her face, which was covered by her hands. Another woman was beside her and got up offering me the seat.  Hugging the woman I handed her the note and said, "I do not know you, but I do know God sent me here right now with this note to remind you how much He loves you."

She and I both were in disbelief. She began to share her story of how she was ready to give up. God had taught her some things about herself and she kept failing at the changes that needed to be made. I told her two things. One that my husband had been a coach for 20 years and more than once I'd heard him tell a player or a team that when the coach stops coaching you, showing you how to improve, challenging you to work harder, that is a bad thing, because that means he has given up on you.

God is the ultimate coach. I sang the children's song, "He's Still Working on Me to Make Me What I Ought to Be" to her. 

Then I shared what had just come to me moments before when the pastor was preaching about the pangs of childbirth. I told her the image of being born through the birth canal came to mind. I said, "If God can fit a baby safely through that small hole He do anything!" She laughed and said, "I guess so."

Even though this young woman is moving soon, I think she will be one of my forever friends because of the moment we shared when God used a sticky note to change someone's day.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

The Song

"All Things Are Possible" (It's an oldie, but a goodie to get us praising.)

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