A Love that Longs
Deep within us is a place for God.
We were made for God and without His love we ache in loneliness and emptiness.
David Roper
A Love that Longs
After 10 days of bountiful bonding with my 9 month old grandson, it was time to board a plane for home. Fortunately, my daughter received a phone call on the drive to the airport or I probably would have cried the whole ride there. Then by the time we reached the drop off area the baby was asleep, so I didn’t have to drip tears on his chubby, rosy, cheeks as I kissed him good-bye. Hugging my daughter the sobs, which come from your belly up, began to surface and we quickly parted. By the time I reached the USAir check-in I had regained my composure, then who shows up beside me in the security line, but a young soldier holding back tears himself as he waved good-bye to his wife, mother, father, and infant son. UGH!
“Where are you headed?” I softly asked hoping to distract him. In a deep southern Tennessee draw I thought he said, “Hawaii”. Hawaii! I replied with enthusiasm. He repeated the destination again and fine tuning my listening I realized he had slowly drawn out the word, “Kuwait.” "Oh," realizing the big difference. "I guess you’d rather be going to Hawaii." "No, mame, I’d rather be staying home with my family," he answered from the depths of his heart. I was choking up again as I watched this young man walk on to his flight.
We owe, not only our appreciation, but our love and prayers to these men and women sacrifice much more than their physical lives for us...the sacrifice their love.
We have purposely been created with the deep emotion of a love that longs. While we wade out our years on this earth seeking to fulfill that longing in a multitude of ways.... longing to love another, longing to be loved by that special someone, investing a love in material things such as careers, homes and hobbies....the longing is not satisfied until its designed source is identified. The longing was created to lead us to the Lord!
February, the month of love…love that often has to sustain itself as it crosses miles and oceans.
Take time today to sing the simple song "I love you Lord". It's a great way to start the day.
If you don't know the tune check out this four year old playing the piano and singing it.