Resisted Conviction
January 31 Keep your eyes open, hold tight to your convictions , give it all you've got, be resolute, and love without stopping. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Listening to a Bible Study video this week, the term resisted conviction was tossed out in relationship to situations which can bring about anguish in our lives. My head was spinning from all I was learning and I placed a question mark next to this phrase, which I jotted in my notes. As evening settled in, I asked my man....What does resisted conviction mean related to anguish? Very eloquently he explained it this way. "Resisted Conviction is that in-between time when you know you've done wrong, but you push conviction away. By postponing the day of reckoning, you just make it worse, bringing anguish upon your soul." Beth Moore writes (and I felt the conviction as I read this): "God reminds us that He didn't plant His word in us just so we could divert it toward someone ...