Unfailing Love

February 16

What a person desires is unfailing love.  Proverbs 19:22a

A close friend was sharing about a women's retreat she had attended, where on the first night the small group facilitator asked her group, "What is your deepest desire?"  As the women in the group became vulnerable and unpacked those desires the facilitator was able to walk them through what the underlying factor was behind those desires.  For several, the desire was Proverbs 19:22…unfailing love.

I've always felt people have the need to be needed and the desire to be loved.  God's purpose and calling on our lives fills the need and his unconditional, eternal love fills the desire!  Whose life can we touch this weekend, by asking them to come alongside us to help in some way and whose life can we brighten by showing them we love them.  After establishing relationship in this way, then we can be bold enough to tell them there is a source that never runs dry of fulfilling these longings of our hearts!

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