Offense Taken

Looks like he might be saying, "Them's fightin' words."
April 3
Nary a day has past, since I started this Lenten season study on not taking an offense, that some occurrence has popped up and started to offend me.  The good news is I've been quick to say, "I will not take an offense!"  The flip side of the coin is that nary a day has pasted that I haven't offended someone!  Sorry, not my intent.
Jesus certainly offended the Pharisees.  Then His disciples came and said to Him, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this saying? Matthew 15:12 (He called them hypocrites.)

Jesus offended some of His closets friends.  Martha and Mary were a bit offended when Jesus didn't come immediately and heal Lazarus.
So, when He heard that he was sick, He stayed two more days in the place where He was.  John 11:6

My bold expression of my faith has offended many, but in reality, if I love Jesus and don't share about  my relationship with him to others, they should be offended that I don't care enough about them to tell them my stance on the secret of eternal life with God.

Here is a real biggie from Paul in Galatians 5:11 -The fact that the cross is the only way to salvation offends people, but that is the truth, and there's no way I'm going to preach anything else!

Whew!  How many times have you been told you are so narrow minded and judgmental to believe God only has one way for people to get to heaven?  We didn't make up the rule!  God did and it is an extremely gracious gift!  Praise God there is A Way and his name is Jesus.

Let's pray:
Jesus, we love and trust you.  The cry of our hearts is to be found faithful and obedient to You.  We recognize the gospel carries an offensive message to many.  Please fill us with the Holy Spirit and equip us to fulfill the job you have for us to do. Show us when to wipe the dust from our feet and move on from some and when to dig down deep and disciple others.  When the times arrive in which we feel imprisoned, as John the Baptist and so many other disciples were, help us remember that is it faith in Christ that sets us free!  Thank You for the gospel. In Jesus' Name Amen

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