Called to Be Thankful
Tulip garden at The Biltmore House
April 21
We aren't privy to God's specific agenda. For those of us who live by faith we believe not only in His promises, but also in the constancy of His character. The other day I read in Jesus Calling...
"I'm calling you to a life of thankfulness. I want all your moments to be punctuated with thanksgiving. The basis for your gratitude is My sovereignty. I am the Creator and Controller of the universe. Heaven and earth are filled with My glorious Presence.
When you criticize or complain, you are acting as if you think you could run the world better than I do. From your limited human perspective, it may look as if I'm mismanaging things. But you don't know what I know or see what I see. If I pulled back the curtain to allow you to view heavenly realms, you would understand much more. However. I have designed you to live by faith, not by sight. I lovingly shield you from knowing the future or seeing into the spirit world. Acknowledge My sovereignty by giving thanks in all circumstances."
"And they were calling to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty: the whole earth is full of his glory.'" Isaiah 6:3
"We live by faith, not by sight." 2 Corinthians 5:7
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18
Turning to thankfulness is an excellent activity in tough times. It turns our focus onto God instead of the issue weighing us down. Instead of being devastated over the stroke, time and time again we were able to praise the Lord for where I was, the timing and fact my daughter had not left the house, the efficiency of the EMT's and ER attendings, how wonderful and compassionate my medical and therapy care was and the heartfelt support I received from my family and friends.
Yup, even when we are in the lion's den, we can look around and see we are not alone. We have a God who wants to fight for us.
"The Lord your God himself will fight for you."
Deuteronomy 3:22