"Cue the Confetti"


Needing a chocolate fix I picked up a Dove chocolate square. It was late in life that I learned there is a quote on the inside of these foil wrappers. Mine left me momentarily dumbfounded. "Cue the confetti."  I'd never heard that said, so I Google for an explanation and all of the ones I found appeared to be guesses.

One said it means "Bring on the connections." One- "Spread kindness all around."

Another said, "You then the action."  That left me more puzzled.

So, I made up my definition.  "Get ready to celebrate."

As often happens with my thoughts, one thing leads to another and I thought how often we read God's Word and think...."What does that mean?"

First of all I find great comfort in Isaiah 55:8-9

The Lord says:"My thoughts and my ways are not like yours.  Just as the heavens are higher than the earth, my thoughts and my ways are higher than yours."

Praise God he is WAY higher in knowledge and ability than we are.

Secondly, God knew we would struggle with our human understanding so he sent us someone better than Google, which is based on man's knowledge. God sent us a Helper, the Holy Spirit.

In John 14:26 Jesus says:

But the Holy Spirit will come and help you, because the Father will send the Spirit to take my place. The Spirit will teach you everything and will remind you of what I said while I was with you."

God wants us to pass the course on Eternal Life with Christ. He's made the text readily available and given us our own private tutor as well. But we have to choose to listen to the Holy Spirit and trust God is always at work teaching us about the plans he has for us that bring him glory.

Here's a fun thought.  Just before we enter heaven maybe there is an angel who shouts to another "Cue the confetti" another one is about to enter!

The Song

"Holy Spirit" Francesca Battistelli


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