Trust = Peace

September 2

Sunday morning I was sitting outside praying about what the Lord wanted me to share at our service. The two words He gave me were trust and peace. If we want to have peace, we must trust in the Lord and His ways.
Every day this week He has sent me a devotional or a verse related to trust and peace!
I opened an email from a friend today and read: Isaiah 26:3-4
You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you. You give peace to those who trust you. So, trust the Lord always. Trust the Lord because he is our Rock forever.

Contemplating why I trust Him led my mind to think about how uniquely He has created each one of us. I turned my hand over and thought about my finger print. Then I rubbed the distinctly different texture of my finger nail and thought, "What caused God to create that in such a contrast from our skin?" Looking at the skin on the top of my hand I was amazed by the veins and thought of the life giving blood which flows through them. Then as I flexed my hand the intricate bones became prominent.
What complexity right there in our hands! The God who designed all that is certainly capable of designing each of my days. So today I choose to trust and find peace in being loved by my creator.

Father, You are the Divine Designer. Oh, to be able to love as You love. Forgive us when we waiver in our faith and trust. May we be like Weebles which wobble but don't fall down. If we fall may it be at Your feet, so we may be lifted up. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit today and may we find strength in Him though we are weak.
Teach us to live in peace because we trust! In Jesus Name, Amen

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