Who is He? The Everlasting Aspect.

August 3


Today's God Tube video takes a few minutes to view, but God deserves a few of our minutes! Would our lives be changed, if each hour of the day, we took time out and lifted His name up, admitting we need Him? When I went back and listened to this a second and third time, personalizing the message I was blown away. God has been reminding me to take the time to come into His presence daily. The word "ignite" popped up and bit me by surprise. (Remember I just wrote on that the other day.) All the descriptive words of God in this video ring true as I flash back over the years of knowing Him. Humbling to be loved by One so grand.
He is the only "EVERLASTING" aspect our lives.

Before I listened to this video today, I had planned on writing about a conflict within me yesterday. Several devotionals and study books sit beside my Bible. Also on my bedside table is a novel, which I picked up from the library. I said to myself, "I want to just chill out and read something mindless and not about Jesus." Then I thought of heaven. We will never tire of His presence there. We will not long to go shopping, read a piece of fiction or turn on the tube. Our favorite show will be viewing God's glory and it will run continually. This world wraps around us with a voluptuous influence. Our minds are limited in the concepts we comprehend, in our assessment of God's greatness and in what brings us pleasure. Watching this video, remembering who God is, and feeling His warm embrace was more captivating an experience than a good novel.

"Be honest. Let people know you are for real." is what an accountability and dear friend who reads this blog daily is probably saying right now. She and I attended the movie "Crazy, Stupid, Love" yesterday and were greatly entertained. So in response to her..Yes, I had a blast with you at the movie! We did sprinkle Jesus on either side of the event though!

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