August 30
Check out the song "Hosanna" by Hillsong. It thrilled my heart on a prayer walk yesterday.
I was wishing I was technologically savvy enough to have multiple Ipods with songs in the same order on them, so friends could go walking to the same praise songs! We'd be shouting!
All the lyrics are typed out under the link above called "Hear Ye Hear Ye".
These words would have been awesome to have sung during our earthquake last week!
I see the king of glory Coming on the
clouds with fire
The whole earth shakes
The whole earth shakes
Reading in Secrets of the Secret Place #40 I was challenged by these statements: "The Scriptures have always been intended to direct our hearts to a Person. We can read the Bible avidly and never get to know the Lord. Come to the Word to gaze upon the majesty and mystery of the altogether Lovely One. To know Christ more requires revelation, and revelation usually requires meditation in the Word."