Ok, admit it, you are hoping this is going to be a bit risque. Sorry, it has nothing to do with me partying hardy. While visiting one of our children I set out for an early morning walk. My familiarity with the neighborhood had limitations and there was only one route I was comfortable taking. As I approached the first street onto which I was supposed to turn, a garbage truck entered that street and began emptying cans. The street was only a block long, so I back tracked, from whence I had come, and allowed the city vehicle to move along. Heading back on course I encountered the lingering smell of a pungent aroma equal to a dirty diaper. Turning onto each side street I was presented the same scenario. When I finally took the road home the air was clean again.
What a great picture of how we get stuck in life at times. We go with what is familiar even if it doesn't bring glory to God. Familiarity is more comfortable than trusting the Lord and His lead. Familiarity also can easily slide into acceptable sin.
What areas of our lives could we be trashing and settling for less than God's best? (Relationships, spiritual growth, extra curricular activities...) Let's ask God to send a fragrant aroma among us and revive our walk with Him!