Good Grief

March 15-16
The pace I've been packing the past few weeks slowed for the first time, when I flew above the clouds, a couple days ago. Looking out into the heavens the tears flooded my face as I longed for my friend who has left this earth. (The flight attendants must have thought my husband had just said something extremely hurtful to me the way I sobbed.)
Driving back into the Roanoke Valley, I headed to my friend's home where her mother was dog sitting for a couple days. I knew it was going to be hard to enter that home.

I'd spent a long time in Bible study during the morning and Max Lucado had supplied me with many needed truths.
"God's goal is not to make you happy, his goal is to make you his. His goal is not to get you what you want, it is to get you what you need."
"Worrying over our own troubles, interferes with our ability to help others with theirs."

"Jesus reminds us although we must care for each other's burdens, the only way we can experience true freedom is to let him shoulder the full weight of our problems."

Each day this week 1 Peter 5:7 has popped up in my presence through various ways. Today's translation said: Unload all your worries onto him, since he is looking after you.

We have a God who is so very, very personal. He knows our hearts and he knows our hurts.
He longs to heal us with his love, if we will only come to him.

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