Where He Leads

March 7
The humanness in me wants to move on to happy topics, but my spirit knows I am still grieving and where God has me in my Bible study is no coincidence. I feel I need to be honest with what He is leading me to share. So often you share that what I write is exactly where you are and you appreciate my honesty, so I will be vulnerable and honest.
Back in January I picked up a Bible study workbook I found in a drawer in our living room. The copyright date is 2003 and it has probably been in my drawer for nine years. I have not been disciplined to do the work daily...true confession - when I picked it back up yesterday I was only on Lesson Two, Day Four.
Two weeks ago when my girlfriend was nearing the end of her earthly life, the only lesson I completed was titled "Doubtstorms."
Quotes by Max Lucado like....
"It is hard to see God through our pain."
"Most of us know what it means to feel disappointed by God."
"We may feel like God has forgotten us at times." .....hit my heart right where it was.

Today, I tried to get back on the saddle and commit to digging into this study. I did two lessons.
Day Four-"Fear that Becomes Faith"
"Experiencing Jesus' peace often comes at a great price to our idea of security-what we can control. We have to let go of what we know and step out in faith.
Moses did not raise his staff on the bank of the Red Sea because it was the logical thing to do. He merely did as God commanded.
David did not face Goliath on the battlefield because he had studied his opponent's fighting style and had uncovered a weakness. He trusted God.
Paul did not decide to abandon the Law and embrace grace because it was common sense. He met Christ, and it changed him forever.
The individuals in these stories were never stronger than the moment they let go of their own security in order to experience what only God could provide. Ultimate victory. Lasting peace."
Biographies of bold disciples begin with chapters of honest terror.
Fear of death. Fear of failure. Fear of loneliness. Fear of a wasted life. Fear of failing to know God. Faith that begins with fear will end up nearer the Father." Lucado

The photo above is of a stacked stone fireplace. It was laid on a very firm foundation and then built upon. On top is a rugged wooden mantle. Our faith builds (stacks up) throughout our lives when we look up to the old rugged cross and Christ who was crucified upon it.
Whatever our fears...even if we walk through the valley of death, we need not be afraid, for God is with us and his rod and staff will comfort us. (Psalm 23:4)

Lesson Five is called "The Journey's End" and was based on 2 Corinthians 4:17-18
For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Lucado says, "Compared to eternity, this life is fleeting." Amen
Wait for the Lord's help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord's help. Ps. 27:14
(That is how my girlfriend lived.)

The Lord wants to show his mercy to you. He wants to rise and comfort you. The Lord is a fair God, and everyone who waits for his help will be happy. Isaiah 30:18

For those of us still walking here on earth and missing those who have gone before us, these words symbolize God's hand reaching out to us. Where He leads us, it is safe to follow.

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